Why is the sound of nails against a chalkboard so irritating?
Ever wonder why the sound of nails against a chalkboard is so irritating ? Well, we here at Philosophy and Science ponder the age old...

Could there be life on Europa?
While Jupiter has well over 53 moons there is one that stands out from the rest, Europa. Europa may be the only other moon/planet in out...

Sea spiders use their guts as hearts!
New research shows not only do sea spiders use their legs as gills, but they have a freakier characteristic which is using their guts as...

Spectacular Shot of Pelican getting his grub on.
When the sun's rays hit down on the earth in the perfect position on the pelican. You get this spectacular shot. Some fun facts about...

Watch as Seahorse Gives Birth to Thousands of Babies at once!
This is amazing! Did you know Seahorses can birth up to 1500 or more babies in one moment. They usually swim with a partner interlocking...

Chocolate makes you smart!
Not only does the consumption of Chocolate (cocoa flavanols) exert cardiovascular benefits . It is now being shown to increase brain...

Seahorses have no Stomach?
Did you know that Seahorses have no teeth and no stomachs? Food passes through their digestive system so quickly, that they must eat...

Think I need a bigger Telescope.
In turn if we were to look at a galaxy 65 million light years away we would witness it much younger than it actually is. Even though our...