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Chocolate makes you smart!

Not only does the consumption of Chocolate (cocoa flavanols) exert cardiovascular benefits . It is now being shown to increase brain function and have a source of natural neuroprotective compounds.

Researchers have conducted a double-blind crossover study and the evidence shows so far suggests that cocoa flavanols can be effective at sustaining a big amount of cognitive functions such as cognitive performance, leading to improvements in measures of general cognition, attention, processing speed and memory.

“Acute administration of cocoa flavanols could result in immediate cognitive-enhancing effect, sustaining performance particularly in cognitively demanding conditions, including fatigue and sleep loss,” say authors Valentina Socci and Michele Ferrara, from the University of L'Aquila, Italy.

Wow. So does this mean I should have been able to eat as much chocolate as I wanted to as a kid? Well no. Experts do warn against the over consumption of chocolate. Although it does poses the health benefits it is still high in sugar and fats. So in conclusion a treat here and there wouldn't hurt.

For more technicalities you can check out the full study here Check it out here!

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