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Exciting news in the world of Cryogenics.

For the first time Scientist have successfully preserved the brain of a rabbit. Complete preservation of the Cellular membranes, Synapses, and intracellular structures.

"Every neuron and synapse looks beautifully preserved across the entire brain. Simply amazing given that I held in my hand this very same brain when it was vitrified glassy solid," BPF president Dr. Kenneth Hayworth said in a statement. "This is not your father’s cryonics."

With the new method of cryogenics, ice crystals can never form. This is due to the ethylene glycol a powerful antifreeze used in the automotive industry which protects the brain from the extreme temperatures. The brain is cooled to -135 degrees Celsius which preserves it in a glass like state.

Further research and experiments will be held in the near future with larger mammalian brains. It might be too soon to assert that this could pave the way of human brain preservation. But this is definitely a step closer.

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