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Toss the Credit Cards, pay with your Face!

A company located in China by the name of "Face++" started releasing their products related to facial recognition to a wide variety of companies.

Facial recognition is nothing new, it is used today in many different ways, for example when you open up snapchat and turn on the filters that is Facial recognition in a nut shell. Just doesn't keep a tab on you like cognitive service Face++ does.

This new product offers a huge platform to how it can be applied. It is being used for every day purchasing say at a restaurant or convenient store, even banking security to authorize payments.

They snap a photo of you and upload it to their database so whenever you need to pay for something you just get your face scanned and you are on your way. The system can offer additional services, such as face comparison, age analysis, gender detection, emotion assumption even eye status. All of this based on just one picture of a face.

How do you feel about this? Do you think it is a way of paying for things in the future that you will be apart of? Seems like it would be efficient for cutting down waiting in line.

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