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What does an argument mean to be valid?

Did you know that the "Validity" of an Argument does NOT depend upon the actual truth of the Premises or the Conclusion! Validity is actually a concept that applies to just the relationship between the Premises of an Argument and its Conclusion. That said Validity is determined not by the content of an argument, but rather by the form or structure of the argument.

For Example Modus Ponens which in its form is a Valid Argument:

1) If P then Q 2) P 3) Therefore Q

Try it out for yourself! Just replace the P and Q with anything you like it will always come out Valid no matter how ridiculous the Premises are!

1) If I am a Dog then I am a Fish 2) I am a Dog 3) Therefore I am a Fish

See Valid!

So something else you can take from this is whenever you hear someone state "that is Valid or Invalid" and not referring to Logic you can let them know that Validity has nothing to do with the Truth of whatever it may be but rather the Form of the Argument!


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