Is mass production of animals morally wrong?
Is torturing and slaughtering animals for our human consumption, scientific research, and testing really necessary? Some would argue that...

The ideal Utopian society.
In one of Plato's books, The Republic, Plato describes the ideal Utopian society what it would take to bring upon such a world. As all of...

What is the Law of Identity?
The Law of identity states that if A and B are identical, that is to say they are the same thing, not two different things, then anything...

"People Seeds" Abortion Thought Experiment.
.::Judith Jarvis Thomson's "People Seeds"::. This thought experiment is still widely used today in ethics. It gives defense for abortion...

What does an argument mean to be valid?
Did you know that the "Validity" of an Argument does NOT depend upon the actual truth of the Premises or the Conclusion! Validity is...
Free Will and Determinism.
Ask yourself, am I reading this post because that's what I've chosen to do, or am I reading this post because I have no choice and Im...

Are the Mind and Body separate?
Have you ever conceived of the idea that the Mind and Body could be two separate things entirely? A man by the name of René Descartes...

Noah's Ark and the ontological argument, how they can show the biblical God isn't the greate
Noah's Ark is a flood myth in the Hebrew Bible consisting of chapters 6-9 in the book of Genesis. Which in general States that God...